Oregon Coast Campground Map - Northern Half

Cape Perpetua, Oregon
Cape Perpetua, Oregon

Oregon Coast Campground Map - Northern Half

Oregon's Best Camping

map of campgrounds along the northern half of the Oregon coast Fort Stevens State Park Campground Nehalem Bay State Park Campground Nehalem Falls Campground Barview Jetty County Campground Kilchis River County Campground Cape Lookout State Park Campground Webb County Campground Devil's Lake State Recreation Area Campground Beverly Beach State Park Campground South Beach State Park Campground Beachside State Recreation Area Campground Tillicum Beach Campground Blackberry Campground Rock Creek Campground Carl G. Washburne State Park Campground Alder Dune Campground Sutton Campground Cape Perpetua Campground Southern Oregon Coast Campground Map Salmonberry Campground Alsea Falls Campground Trask River County Campground Gales Creek Campground Jones Creek Campground
map of campgrounds along the northern half of the Oregon coast Fort Stevens State Park Campground Nehalem Bay State Park Campground Nehalem Falls Campground Barview Jetty County Campground Kilchis River County Campground Cape Lookout State Park Campground Webb County Campground Devil's Lake State Recreation Area Campground Beverly Beach State Park Campground South Beach State Park Campground Blackberry Campground Tillicum Beach Campground Beachside State Recreation Area Campground Cape Perpetua Campground Rock Creek Campground Carl G. Washburne State Park Campground Alder Dune Campground Sutton Campground Southern Oregon Coast Campground Map Gales Creek Campground Jones Creek Campground Trask River County Campgroud Alsea Falls Campground Salmonberry Campground
map of campgrounds along the northern half of the Oregon coast Fort Stevens State Park Campground Fort Stevens State Park Campground Nehalem Bay State Park Campground Barview Jetty County Campground Kilchis River County Campground Cape Lookout State Park Campground Devil's Lake State Recreation Area Campground Webb County Campground Beverly Beach State Park Campground South Beach State Park Campground Blackberry Campground Beachside State Recreation Area Campground Tillicum Beach Campground Cape Perpetua Campground Rock Creek Campground Carl G. Washburne State Park Campground Alder Dune Campground Southern Oregon Coast Campground Map Sutton Campground Gales Creek Campground Jones Creek Campground Trask River Campground Alsea Falls Campground Salmonberry Campground

Selection of the Best Campgrounds is based on a combination of campground facilities, campground ambiance, and the proximity of outstanding recreational opportunities. The ratings are intended to serve as a general guide and may not always concur with the interests and experiences of others.

- Last Updated March 2025 -

Oregon Coast Campgrounds

Many of Oregon's best campgrounds are found along its magnificent coast. While the state parks stand out as the gems of the collection, many county parks and some BLM and Forest Service campgrounds also make outstanding camping destinations.

Group Sites: Beverly Beach State Park Campground, Cape Lookout State Park Campground, Cape Perpetua Campground, Jones Creek, Nehalem Falls Campground, South Beach State Park Campground, Sutton Campground

Hike & Bike Campsites: Bayview Jetty County Campground, Beachside State Recreation Site Campground, Beverly Beach State Park Campground, Cape Lookout State Park Campground, Carl G. Washburne Memorial State Park Campground, Devil's Lake State Recreation Area Campground, Fort Stevens State Park Campground, Kilchis River County Campground, Nehalem Bay State Park Campground, South Beach State Park Campground, Webb County Campground,

Horse Camps: Nehalem Bay State Park Campground

Fly-in Campsites: Nehalem Bay State Park Campground