Deschutes National Forest Campground Map

Deschutes River, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon
Deschutes River, Deschutes National Forest, Oregon

Deschutes National Forest Campground Map

map of campgrounds in the Deschutes National Forest, Oregon Pelton Park Campground Smiling River Campground Whispering Pine Horse Camp Link Creek Campground Deschutes River Campground Lone Pine Campground Cold Springs Campground Tumalo State Park Campground Camp Sherman Campground Graham Corral Horse Camp Willamette National Forest Campground Map Three Creek Lake Campground Three Creek Meadow Campground Postpile Campground Quinn Meadow Horse Camp Cascade Lakes Campground Map" Chimney Rock Campground Castle Rock Campground South Shore Campground Blue Bay Camground Scout Lake Group Campground Crooked River Campground Sheep Springs Horse Camp Stillwater Campground Lower Palisades Campground Pioneer Ford Campground Green Ridge Lookout Jasper Point Campground Prineville Reservoir Campground Cascade Lakes Campgrounds Map Quinn Meadow Horse Camp
map of campgrounds in the Deschutes National Forest, Oregon Graham Corral Horse Camp Scout lake group campground Willamette National Forest campgrounds map Pioneer For Campground Link Creek campground Sheep Springs Horse camp Smiling River campground Blue Bay campground South Shore campground Camp Sherman Cold Springs Campground Whispering Pine Horse Camp Tumalo State Park Campground Cascade Lakes Campground map Three Creek Meadow Campground and Horse Camp Three Creek Lake Campground Quinn Medow Horse Camp Cascade Lakes Campground map Pelton Park Campground Crooked River Campground Deschutes River Campground Jasper Point Campground Prineville Reservoir Campground Castle Rock Campground Lone Pine Campground Lower Palisades Campground Chimney Rock Campground Postpile Campgound Stillwater Campground Green Ridge Lookout
map of campgrounds in the Deschutes National Forest, Oregon Pioneer Ford Campground Sheep Springs Horse Camp Smiling River Campground Camp Sherman Campground Link Creek Campground Blue Bay Campground South Shore Campground Cold Springs Campground Scout Lake Group Campground Graham Corral Horse CAmp Whispering Pine Horse Camp Willamette National Forest Campground Map Three Creek Meadow Campground Three Creek Lake Campground Quinn Meadow Horse CAmp Cascade Lakes Campground Map Tumalo State Park Campground Jasper Point Campground Prineville Reservoir Campground Castle Rock Campground Lone Pine Campground Lower Palisades Campground Chimney Rock Campground Postpile Campground Pelton Park Campground Crooked River Campground Deschutes River Campground Stillwater Campground Green Ridge Lookout

Selection of the Best Campgrounds is based on a combination of campground facilities, campground ambiance, and the proximity of outstanding recreational opportunities. The ratings are intended to serve as a general guide and may not always concur with the interests and experiences of others.

- Last Updated March 2025 -

Deschutes National Forest Campgrounds

The maximum length of stay at most campgrounds is 14 days.

Group Campgrounds: Scout Lake Group Campground, Cove Palisades State Park

Campgrounds with Group Campsites: Tumalo State Park Campground, Lone Pine Campground, Pelton Park

Equestrian Camps: Graham Corral Horse Camp, Quinn Meadow Horse Camp, Sheep Springs Horse Camp, Three Creek Horsecamp, Whispering Pine Horse Camp

LaPine State Park

Look for LaPine State Park Campground on our Cascade Lakes Campground Map.